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About Us


The Church of North India Social Service Institute (CNI-SSI), is well known as Industrial Service Institute (ISI), is an ecumenical venture of the churches to express the love,concern and care of Jesus Christ for the marginalized and the oppressed in the society. The CNI-SSI works for the cause of education, services, rights and justice of marginalized people.



1. To study, analyze and share current social problems and issues and to be involved with people in building a responsible community.

2. To plan and activate socio-economic programmes and health related activities for marginalized communities in urban and rural areas.

3. To participate with people and groups in their struggle for socio-economic and political justice.

4. To organise and conduct seminars, meetings, consultations and other programmes.

5. To promote research and use of the communication media to diffuse knowledge in furtherance of the aims and objectives.

6. To co-operate with other agencies having similar aims and objectives, in programmes of mutual interest.

7. To do or cause to be done any or all such acts, things and activities, which are subsidiary to and/or in attainment of the above aims and objectives.




CNI-SSI campus is a centrally located place in Nagpur area known as Sadar is heart of town about 1½ kms from railway station. It is part of All Saints’ Cathedral Compound just beside the Diocese of Nagpur CNI. We have administration workshop and two halls known as I.S.I. Hall having capacity of 150 people and SHALOM Hall can accommodate 50 people for conference, seminar and public meetings.




Unemployed Youth

CNISSI is working through Skill Development Training unit to extend to the youth and women, vocational training in order to empower them, so that they can lead a dignified life with self-confidence

The Ecumenical Rural Agriculture Development Centre of CNISSI at Khandala village, district Nagpur. Promotes, organic farming and appropriate technology, by spreading awareness, knowledge, and information about the same. The ERADC seeks to be a model to help farmer see the practical demonstrations of such programmes.

Rural and urban development implies both the economic betterment of people as well as greater social transformation. CNISSI is working in Vidharbha region , by planning and making attempts to eliminate poverty, ignorance and inequality of opportunities.

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Networks are invaluable because they help us create structures and strengthen the objectives and goals of our initiative. Advocacy and Networking Unit is a supportive and coordinating unit for the entire activities of the CNI-SSI.

Issues of Concern


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Community members




Sermons held


Community ministies


Hard Work
Real Faith